Marine Ranks
Private (e-1)
Private First Class [PFC] (e-2)
Lance Corporal [LCPL] (e-3)
Corporal [CPL](e-4)
Sergeant [Sgt](e-5)
Staff Sergeant [SSgt](e-6)
Gunnery Sergeant [GYSgt](e-7)
First Sergeant [1Sgt](e-8)
Master Gunnery Sergeant [MGYSgt](e-9)
Sergeant Major [SgtMAJ](e-9)
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corp [SGTMAJMC](e-9)
Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer [WO1](w-1)
Chief Warrant Officer 2 [CWO2](w-2)
Chief Warrant Officer 3 [CWO3](w-3)
Chief Warrant Officer 4 [CWO4](w-4)
Chief Warrant Officer 5 [CWO5](w-5)
2nd Lieutenant [2LT](o-1)
1st Lieutenant [1LT](o-2)
Captain [CPT](o-3)
Major [MAJ](o-4)
Lt. Colonel [LTC](o-5)
Colonel [COL](o-6)
Field Colonel [FDCOL](o-6A)
Brigadier General [BG](o-7)
Major General [MG](o-8)
Lt. General [LTG](o-9)
General [GEN](o-10)
Marshal [MAR](o-11)
Starfleet Ranks
Crewman Recruit [CMR] (e-1)
Crewman Apprentice [CMA] (e-2)
Crewman [CM] (e-3)
Petty Officer 3rd Class [PO3](e-4)
Petty Officer 2nd Class [PO2](e-5)
Petty Officer 1st Class [PO1](e-6)
Chief Petty Officer [CPO](e-7)
Senior Chief Petty Officer [SCPO](e-8)
Master Chief Petty Officer [MCPO](e-9)
Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet [MCPOSF](e-9)
Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer [WO1](w-1)
Chief Warrant Officer 2 [CWO2](w-2)
Chief Warrant Officer 3 [CWO3](w-3)
Chief Warrant Officer 4 [CWO4](w-4)
Ensign [ENS](o-1)
Lieutenant Junior Grade [LTJG](o-2)
Lieutenant [LT](o-3)
Lt. Commander [LCDR](o-4)
Commander [CDR](o-5)
Captain [Capt](o-6)
Fleet Captain [FCapt](o-6A)
Rear Admiral (Lower-Half) [RADML](o-7)
Rear Admiral (Upper-Half) [RADM)](o-8)
Vice Admiral [VADM](o-9)
Admiral [ADM](o-10)
Fleet Admiral [FADM](o-11)
Starfighter Ranks
Technician Recruit [TechRec] (e-1)
Technician Apprentice [TechApp] (e-2)
Technician [Tech] (e-3)
Junior Technician [JRT](e-4)
Corporal [CPL](e-5)
Sergeant [Sgt](e-6)
Chief Technician [CTech](e-7)
Flight Sergeant [FLSGT](e-8)
Master Flight Sergeant [MFLSGT](e-9)
Senior Master Flight Sergeant [SnMsFS](e-9)
Master Flight Sergeant of Starfighter Command [SnMsFS](e-9)
Warrant Officer
Master Aircrew [MA](w-1)
Master Aircrew 1st Class [AM1](w-2)
Master Aircrew 2nd Class [AM2](w-3)
Master Aircrew 3rd Class [AM3](w-4)
Pilot Officer [PO](o-1)
Flying Officer [FLO](o-2)
Flight Lieutenant [FLT](o-3)
Squadron Leader [SQL](o-4)
Wing Commander [WCDR](o-5)
Group Captain [GCapt](o-6)
Air Captain [ACapt](o-6A)
Air Commodore [ACom](o-7)
Air Vice Marshal [ACM](o-8)
Air Marshal [ARM](o-9)
Air Chief Marshal [ACM](o-10)
Marshal of Starfighter Command [MSC](o-11)