Species Throughout Star Trek

The following is a list of Species found, spoken about, or a reference had been made in 1 of the 6 series of Star Trek. No Species from the books are in this list yet.
*List provided by Startrek.com*

Acamarian TNG 157 - The Vengeance Factor
Akaali ENT 009 - Civilization
Akritirians VOY 147 - The Chute
Al-Leyan TNG 246 - The Chase
Aldean TNG 118 - When the Bough Breaks
Algolians TNG 172 - Ménage à Troi
Algorian mammoth DS9 442 - The Wire
aliens, abducting TNG 166 - Allegiance
aliens, Thed DS9 429 - Second Sight
Alsaurians VOY 128 - Resistance
Altorans DS9 412 - Vortex
Alvanian cave sloth DS9 481 - The Sword of Kahless
Amoeba TOS 048 - The Immunity Syndrome
Andorians TOS 044 - Journey to Babel
Angosian TNG 159 - The Hunted
Antedean TNG 145 - Manhunt
Antican TNG 108 - Lonely Among Us
Aquans ANI 22013 - The Ambergris Element
Arbazan DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Argelians DS9 467 - The Die Is Cast
Argosian DS9 408 - Dax
Argrathi DS9 491 - Hard Time
Armus TNG 122 - Skin of Evil
avianoid aliens DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Axanar ENT 003 - Fight or Flight
Bajorans DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Bajorans, Mirror Universe DS9 443 - Crossover
Bandi TNG 101 - Encounter at Farpoint, Part I
Baneans VOY 108 - Ex Post Facto
Bardeezans DS9 440 - The Maquis, Part I
Barkonians TNG 268 - Thine Own Self
Barolians TNG 208 - Unification, Part I
Barzans TNG 156 - The Price
Beneriam Hawk DS9 416 - If Wishes Were Horses
Benzites TNG 119 - Coming of Age
Berellians DS9 452 - The Abandoned
Betazoids TNG 105 - Haven
Bolians DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Borg TNG 142 - Q Who?
Borg, altered TNG 252 - Descent, Part I
Boslics DS9 487 - Sons of Mogh
Bothan VOY 124 - Persistence of Vision
Bre'ellians TNG 161 - Déjà Q
Breen TNG 184 - The Loss
Brekkians TNG 123 - Symbiosis
Bringloidi TNG 144 - Up The Long Ladder
Briori VOY 120 - The 37's
Buronian TNG 233 - Rascals
Bynars TNG 116 - 11001001
Byzallians DS9 455 - Defiant
Byzatium DS9 455 - Defiant
Cairn TNG 259 - Dark Page
Caldonians TNG 156 - The Price
Capellan power-cat ANI 22022 - How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Capellans TOS 032 - Friday's Child
Cardassians DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Cardassians, Mirror Universe DS9 443 - Crossover
Carnivorous rastipod DS9 415 - Progress
Chalnoth TNG 166 - Allegiance
Changeling DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Changeling, evil DS9 436 - Shadowplay
Chrysalians TNG 156 - The Price
Companion, the TOS 031 - Metamorphosis
Corvallens TNG 240 - Face of the Enemy
cosmic cloud ANI 22007 - One of Our Planets is Missing
Coverians DS9 449 - The House of Quark
Crystalline entity TNG 114 - Datalore
Cytherians TNG 193 - The Nth Degree
Dal'Rok DS9 414 - The Storyteller
Daledians TNG 136 - The Dauphin
Degebian mountain goat DS9 481 - The Sword of Kahless
Delbians TNG 195 - The Drumhead
Deltans MOV 001 - Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Denobula ENT 003 - Fight or Flight
Denobulans ENT 001 - Broken Bow
Devidians TNG 226 - Time's Arrow, Part I
Dokkarans TNG 211 - Hero Worship
Dolbargi DS9 411 - The Nagus
Dominion, the DS9 427 - Rules of Acquisition
Doosodarians TNG 255 - Interface
Dopterians DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Dosi DS9 427 - Rules of Acquisition
Douwd TNG 151 - The Survivors
Drakian Forest dwellers VOY 104 - Time and Again
Dramians ANI 22019 - Albatross
Draxxan cloud viper ENT 068 - Doctor's Orders
Drellians TNG 187 - Devil's Due
Dremans TNG 141 - Pen Pals
Edo TNG 109 - Justice
Edosian ANI 22002 - The Infinite Vulcan
eggling ANI 22018 - Bem
Ekosians TOS 052 - Patterns of Force
El-Aurians DS9 431 - Rivals
Elasians TOS 057 - Elaan of Troyius
Elaysians DS9 426 - Melora
Ennis/ Nol-Ennis DS9 413 - Battle Lines
Eska ENT 018 - Rogue Planet
Excalbians TOS 077 - The Savage Curtain
Exocomps TNG 235 - The Quality of Life
Fabrini TOS 065 - For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Fek'Ihri DS9 481 - The Sword of Kahless
Ferengi DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Festival of the Moons ENT 025 - Two Days and Two Nights
Flaxians DS9 465 - Improbable Cause
Founders, the DS9 447 - The Search, Part I
Frunalian DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Fuurinkazan TNG 140 - The Icarus Factor
Galadorans DS9 440 - The Maquis, Part I
Galipotans DS9 442 - The Wire
Gallamites DS9 440 - The Maquis, Part I
Garanian Bolites DS9 403 - A Man Alone
glommer ANI 22001 - More Tribbles, More Troubles
Gomtuu TNG 168 - Tin Man
Gorn TOS 019 - Arena
gossamer mice ANI 22015 - The Terratin Incident
Grazerite DS9 483 - Homefront
Great Link, the DS9 447 - The Search, Part I
Greenhorn aliens DS9 452 - The Abandoned
Grizzelas TNG 149 - The Ensigns of Command
Gunji jackdaw DS9 416 - If Wishes Were Horses
Haakonians VOY 115 - Jetrel
Halanans DS9 429 - Second Sight
Halkans TOS 039 - Mirror, Mirror
halo fish ANI 22015 - The Terratin Incident
Hirogen VOY 181 - Message in a Bottle
Horta TOS 026 - The Devil in the Dark
Hunters DS9 406 - Captive Pursuit
Hupyrian DS9 411 - The Nagus
Hur'q, the DS9 481 - The Sword of Kahless
Husnock, the TNG 151 - The Survivors
Iadara Colony TNG 263 - Parallels
Iconians TNG 137 - Contagion
Ilidarians VOY 103 - Parallax
Inheritors VOY 125 - Tattoo
initiate DS9 437 - Playing God
Invernians DS9 426 - Melora
Invocation of Renewal ENT 011 - Cold Front
Iotians TOS 049 - A Piece of the Action
J'naii TNG 217 - The Outcast
Jarada TNG 113 - The Big Goodbye
Jem'Hadar DS9 446 - The Jem'Hadar
Joranian ostrich DS9 404 - Past Prologue
Juhraya TNG 276 - Preemptive Strike
Kaana-sah ENT 011 - Cold Front
Kaelonians TNG 196 - Half a Life
Kaleans DS9 418 - Dramatis Personae
Kanarians TNG 198 - The Mind's Eye
Kantare ENT 020 - Oasis
Karemma DS9 447 - The Search, Part I
Kazleti VOY 116 - Learning Curve
Kazon VOY 102 - Caretaker, Part II
Kelleruns DS9 433 - Armageddon Game
Kelvans TOS 050 - By Any Other Name
Kes TNG 260 - Attached
Klaestronians DS9 408 - Dax
Klingons TOS 027 - Errand of Mercy
Klingons, Mirror Universe DS9 443 - Crossover
Kobheerians DS9 451 - Second Skin
Kobliad DS9 409 - The Passenger
Koinonians TNG 153 - The Bonding
Komar VOY 112 - Heroes and Demons
Koropians TNG 220 - Cost of Living
Kotakians DS9 440 - The Maquis, Part I
Kreetassans ENT 022 - Vox Sola
Kressari DS9 422 - The Circle
Kriosians DS9 462 - Prophet Motive
Ktarians TNG 206 - The Game
Kurillians DS9 446 - The Jem'Hadar
Kzinti ANI 22011 - The Slaver Weapon
Lactrans ANI 22016 - The Eye of the Beholder
lapling-like animal DS9 411 - The Nagus
le-matya ANI 22003 - Yesteryear
leaf miners TNG 277 - All Good Things... Part I
Legarans TNG 171 - Sarek
Letheans DS9 464 - Distant Voices
Leyrons TNG 132 - Loud as a Whisper
Ligonians TNG 104 - Code of Honor
Liseppians DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Loque'eque ENT 055 - Extinction
Lorillians ENT 001 - Broken Bow
Lothra DS9 426 - Melora
Lumerians TNG 228 - Realm of Fear
Lyaarans TNG 254 - Liaisons
Lyssarian desert larvae ENT 062 - Similitude
M'klexa ENT 013 - Dear Doctor
M-113 Creature TOS 006 - The Man Trap
magnetic organism ANI 22004 - Beyond the Farthest Star
Malcorians TNG 189 - First Contact
Malosian cargo vessel ENT 066 - Stratagem
Malosians ENT 066 - Stratagem
Maquis VOY 102 - Caretaker, Part II
Maravel dragons ANI 22016 - The Eye of the Beholder
Marijnians TNG 255 - Interface
Mariposans TNG 144 - Up The Long Ladder
Markalians DS9 475 - Hippocratic Oath
Mathenites-61A DS9 451 - Second Skin
Medusans TOS 062 - Is There In Truth No Beauty?
Megans ANI 22009 - The Magicks of Megas-Tu
Melkotians TOS 056 - Spectre of the Gun
Melthusians TNG 191 - Night Terrors
Menk ENT 013 - Dear Doctor
Menthars TNG 154 - Booby Trap
Meridians DS9 454 - Meridian
Metron TOS 019 - Arena
Mikulaks TNG 169 - Hollow Pursuits
Mintakans TNG 152 - Who Watches The Watchers?
Miradorn DS9 412 - Vortex
Mizarians TNG 166 - Allegiance
Mokra VOY 128 - Resistance
Moneans VOY 202 - Thirty Days
Morn DS9 427 - Rules of Acquisition
Moropa, the TNG 166 - Allegiance
Mugato TOS 045 - A Private Little War
Nacene VOY 102 - Caretaker, Part II
Nagilum TNG 128 - Where Silence Has Lease
Nanites TNG 150 - Evolution
Napean TNG 270 - Eye of the Beholder
Native American colonist DS9 440 - The Maquis, Part I
Nausicaans DS9 460 - Heart of Stone
Nehru Colony DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Noophian TNG 177 - Brothers
Novans ENT 006 - Terra Nova
Numiri VOY 108 - Ex Post Facto
Nuvians ENT 023 - Fallen Hero
Obsidian Order DS9 442 - The Wire
Ocampa VOY 102 - Caretaker, Part II
Ooolans TNG 145 - Manhunt
Ophidian TNG 226 - Time's Arrow, Part I
Organians TOS 027 - Errand of Mercy
Orion wing-slug TNG 172 - Ménage à Troi
Orions TOS 044 - Journey to Babel
Ornarans TNG 123 - Symbiosis
ornithoids, extragalactic DS9 416 - If Wishes Were Horses
Osaarians ENT 054 - Anomaly
Oxygenes DS9 426 - Melora
Pakleds DS9 462 - Prophet Motive
Pandronians ANI 22018 - Bem
Paraagans ENT 026 - Shockwave, Part I
Paradas DS9 434 - Whispers
parasite invaders TNG 125 – Conspiracy
Paxans TNG 188 - Clues
Pelians TNG 197 - The Host
Peljenites DS9 469 - Family Business
Petrarians DS9 469 - Family Business
photonic aliens VOY 112 - Heroes and Demons
Phylosians ANI 22002 - The Infinite Vulcan
Promellians TNG 154 - Booby Trap
Prophets DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Providers TOS 046 - The Gamesters of Triskelion
Prytt Alliance TNG 260 - Attached
Pterodactyls ANI 22017 - Once Upon a Planet
Pyca ENT 068 - Doctor's Orders
Pycan space moth ENT 068 - Doctor's Orders
Pygorians DS9 440 - The Maquis, Part I
Pythrons DS9 431 - Rivals
Q TNG 101 - Encounter at Farpoint, Part I
Qomar VOY 234 - Virtuoso
Rakhari DS9 412 - Vortex
Ramatisians TNG 132 - Loud as a Whisper
Reegrunion DS9 430 - Sanctuary
Regulan blood worm TOS 042 - The Trouble With Tribbles
Regulan bloodworm ENT 066 - Stratagem
Remans MOV 010 - Star Trek Nemesis
Remmilians DS9 460 - Heart of Stone
Repto-Humanoids VOY 123 - Parturition
Rigelian hypnoid ANI 22008 - Mudd's Passion
rock creature ANI 22008 - Mudd's Passion
Rodulans TNG 170 - The Most Toys
Romulans TOS 009 - Balance of Terror
Romulans (mirror) DS9 466 - Through the Looking Glass
Saataran TNG 246 - The Chase
Saltah'na DS9 418 - Dramatis Personae
Satarrans TNG 214 - Conundrum
Scalosians TOS 068 - Wink of an Eye
sehlat ANI 22003 - Yesteryear
Selay TNG 108 - Lonely Among Us
Serilians DS9 454 - Meridian
shapeshifter DS9 438 - Profit and Loss
Sheliak TNG 149 - The Ensigns of Command
singularity aliens TNG 252 - Descent, Part I
Skagarans ENT 061 - North Star
Skorr ANI 22014 - The Jihad
Skrreea DS9 430 - Sanctuary
Slaver Empire ANI 22011 - The Slaver Weapon
Son'a MOV 009 - Star Trek: Insurrection
space boomer ENT 001 - Broken Bow
Species 8472 VOY 168 - Scorpion, Part I
species, budding DS9 460 - Heart of Stone
Stone of J'Kah ENT 007 - The Andorian Incident
Subytt DS9 421 - The Homecoming
Suliban ENT 001 - Broken Bow
sur-snake ANI 22013 - The Ambergris Element
swooper ANI 22002 - The Infinite Vulcan
symbionts, Trill DS9 437 - Playing God
T'Lani DS9 433 - Armageddon Game
T-Rogorans DS9 430 - Sanctuary
Tagans TNG 194 - QPid
Takarans TNG 248 - Suspicions
Talarian hook spider TNG 228 - Realm of Fear
Talarians TNG 176 - Suddenly Human
Talaxians VOY 102 - Caretaker, Part II
Tallonians DS9 475 - Hippocratic Oath
Talosians TOS 001 - The Cage
Tamarians, a.k.a. "The Children of Tama" TNG 202 - Darmok
Tandarans ENT 021 - Detained
Tanugans TNG 162 - A Matter of Perspective
Tarahongians DS9 411 - The Nagus
Tarchannens TNG 192 - Identity Crisis
Tarellians TNG 105 - Haven
Tarkassian razorbeast TNG 222 - Imaginary Friend
Tarquin's species ENT 058 - Exile
Tau Ceti Accords ENT 014 - Shadows of P'Jem
Tavnians DS9 493 - The Muse
The Teachings of Surak ENT 025 - Two Days and Two Nights
Teldarians TNG 198 - The Mind's Eye
Tellarites TOS 044 - Journey to Babel
Tellurians TNG 170 - The Most Toys
Temporal Cold War ENT 001 - Broken Bow
Teplanites DS9 495 - The Quickening
Terellians DS9 459 - Life Support
Terrans/2 DS9 443 - Crossover
Terratins ANI 22015 - The Terratin Incident
Tesnians ENT 016 - Shuttlepod One
Thasians TOS 008 - Charlie X
Tholians DS9 459 - Life Support
Tin Man TNG 168 - Tin Man
Tosk DS9 406 - Captive Pursuit
Traveler TNG 106 - Where No One Has Gone Before
Treaty of Ka'Tann ENT 023 - Fallen Hero
Tribble TOS 042 - The Trouble With Tribbles
Trill DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Trunkhead aliens DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Tygarians DS9 421 - The Homecoming
Tzenkethi DS9 472 - The Adversary
Ullians TNG 212 - Violations
ursinoid ANI 22008 - Mudd's Passion
V'tosh ka'tur ENT 017 - Fusion
Valerians DS9 418 - Dramatis Personae
Valtese TNG 221 - The Perfect Mate
Vanoben DS9 412 – Vortex
Vedala ANI 22014 - The Jihad
Velarans TNG 117 - Home Soil
Vendorians ANI 22005 - The Survivor
Ventaxians TNG 187 - Devil's Due
Verathans DS9 407 - Q-Less
Vhnori VOY 109 - Emanations
Vians TOS 063 - The Empath
Vidiians VOY 105 - Phage
Vok'sha VOY 112 - Heroes and Demons
Vorgons TNG 167 - Captain's Holiday
Vorta DS9 447 - The Search, Part I
The Voth VOY 165 - Distant Origin
Vulcan Compound, Sausalito ENT 001 - Broken Bow
Vulcans DS9 406 - Captive Pursuit
Wadi DS9 410 - Move Along Home
Wanoni tracehound DS9 417 - The Forsaken
Wogneer creatures TNG 166 - Allegiance
wormhole aliens DS9 401 - Emissary, Part I
Wraiths ENT 018 - Rogue Planet
Xarantines ENT 015 - Sleeping Dogs
Xepolites DS9 441 - The Maquis, Part II
Xindi ENT 052 - The Expanse
Xindi Council ENT 053 - The Xindi
Xindi-Aquatics ENT 053 - The Xindi
Xindi-Arboreals ENT 053 - The Xindi
Xindi-Avians ENT 059 - The Shipment
Xindi-Humanoid ENT 065 - Proving Ground
Xindi-Insectoids ENT 053 - The Xindi
Xindi-Primates ENT 053 - The Xindi
Xindi-Reptilians ENT 053 - The Xindi
Xyrillians ENT 005 - Unexpected
Yaderans DS9 436 - Shadowplay
Yallitians VOY 105 - Phage
Yalosians DS9 465 - Improbable Cause
Yelikans DS9 421 - The Homecoming
Yridians DS9 416 - If Wishes Were Horses
yrott ENT 024 - Desert Crossing
Zaldans TNG 119 - Coming of Age
Zalkonians TNG 173 - Transfigurations
Zibalians TNG 170 - The Most Toys